Get cheap car insurance rates for Colorado drivers. Instantly, you can compare the best prices that will give you the lowest premiums for your vehicles. If you are currently covered under an existing policy, an available discount may further reduce the premium. Many auto insurance companies in Colorado also offer low down payments and affordable options if you don't have present coverage. If you need an SR-22 bond to reinstate a license, it can be easily arranged. Affordable high-risk rates can also be purchased.
Your free comparison only takes a moment, and we make it easy for you to pick the best options in your area, purchase coverage online and also immediately print your ID cards and declaration pages. It's also important that your policy coverage meets the state minimum liability limits along with collision and comprehensive deductible guidelines if your vehicle is financed or used for collateral. The required bodily injury and property damage requirements are discussed later. Many optional benefits and cost-cutting discounts are also offered that can reduce premiums each year.
Different Prices In Each City
Prices will not be the same in all areas of the state. For example, Denver, Fort Collins, and Brighton may have a completely different rate structure than Aurora, Thornton, and Boulder. An auto insurance company will often have dozens of different premiums that it charges, depending on what county you reside in or your zip code. It's not unusual to see different costs for persons living only a few hundred feet from each other. However, legally, a company must have a justifiable reason to charge different premiums. Homeowners insurance rates will also vary by county or zip code. Replacement cost on contents and the dwelling is always recommended.
It's also almost impossible for the average citizen to keep track of each and every offer. For example Esurance may have terrific rates for young drivers in El Paso County, but above-average pricing in Arapahoe County for retired persons. That's why it's important to constantly update any changes in costs, discounts or how carriers rate. Sometimes, you may only move a few miles away. But if it's a different county, the rate could change. If you are contemplating moving from another area, we'll help you compare the best offers. If you are moving to a nearby state, such as New Mexico, Utah, Wyoming, Nebraska, Kansas, or Oklahoma, our free online quotes can help you find the available policies.
Although rates change often, we have listed below (alphabetically) the 50 cities that currently (updated for 2023) offer the cheapest prices. We based our research on several sample households consisting of a combination of different applicants, vehicles, and driving records. Of course, there are many other variables that can impact the premium. And there are many additional cities in Colorado that offer low rates.
Buena Vista
De Beque
Glade Park
New Castle
Orchard Mesa
Red Cliff
Steamboat Springs
How We Help You
We can easily find and compare the best offers because we monitor and update each company daily. If there is a decrease in a carrier's price, we'll immediately know about it. When a rate change is filed with the State Department of Insurance, we will study the impact it has on drivers and make any necessary adjustment in our recommendations. When companies add significant discount packages, or adjust their rating territory that impacts prices, we inform you which areas will benefit most. As driverless cars become more prevalent on roads and highways, we will review the impact (if any) it has on your policy and pricing.
Not all carrier changes will affect your pricing. For example, if an insurer lowers premiums for Seniors, and you're only in your 40s, of course you will not see any changes. Also, often, a rate change focuses on a small part of the state, such as Cheyenne, Kit Carson, and Yuma Counties in the East. Naturally, if you reside in any other area, you will see no change in your premium. Also, specific zip code rates may increase, while at the same time, other zip code rates may decrease.
Recently, prices were decreased in the following zip codes: 80521, 80522, 80523, 80524, 80525, 80526, 80527, 80528, 80553, 80528, 80537, 80538, 80539, 80524, 80535, 81301, 81302, 80528, 80550, 80551, 80543, 80550, 80631, 80632, 80633, 80634, 80638, 80639, 80534,80501, 80502, 80503, and 80504.
After you compare prices with what you currently pay, you'll have to decide if the savings is worthwhile to make a change. Typically, if you are able to save at least 10%, switching policies should be considered. For example, if your premium is $1000 per six months, a quote of $800 is worth pursuing. But of course, if your savings is only $40 or $50, unless you are dissatisfied with your servicing company or broker, keeping your existing policy may be the best advice. If you own your home, combining your homeowner's and auto insurance policies with the same carrier can often save hundreds of dollars each year.
State Minimum Limits
Regardless of the savings, you will have to adhere to the state minimum liability limits in Colorado. Currently, they are $25,000 per person, $50,000 per occurrence and an additional $15,000 for property damage. Medical payments (to others) is a benefit that also must be included on all in-force policies or new contracts that are written. However, the $5,000 amount can be declined by requesting an "opt-out." These requirements apply to titled passenger vehicles licensed for road use. A more complete description of the law can be found at the Colorado Department Of Motor Vehicles.
Uninsured and underinsured motorists coverage (UM and UIM) provide benefits if you are involved in an accident with a driver that is at fault and has no coverage, or not enough coverage. Insurers must offer at least $25,000 per person and $50,000 per accident of UM and UIM benefits (or match your existing BI limits). However, similar to medical payments, you are not required to include this coverage on your policy. About 15% of all drivers in the state do not have coverage, so adding UM protection should always be strongly considered.
The $500 (first offense) and $1,000 (second offense) fines for driving without compliant liability coverage, may need to be increased. Note: persons that owns more than 25 registered vehicles may be classified as self-insured by applying for a specific certificate from the State Insurance Commissioner. Verification that the owner can pay the minimum liability amounts will be required. Self-insurance is fairly popular with larger companies.
The potential impact of changing liability limits is much greater than increasing or lowering your deductibles. Although the resulting change in cost may not be terribly significant (unless you own at least three vehicles), the increased risk of lowering limits may not be worth the small savings. To forfeit $100,000 of liability protection for just a few dollars per month should only be considered as a last resort. Conversely, for just a few extra dollars per car, you can effectively raise liability limits. $100,000 per person, $300,000 per accident, and $50,000 of property damage are coverage limits that are popular options in most states.
Largest Companies
Although the largest writers of business don't always offer the most competitive rates, they are typically among the carriers we research for you. Any smaller companies that feature low pricing will also be strongly considered if they meet safety and customer-service requirements. In order of market share, the 25 largest companies are:
16.61% -- State Farm Mutual
8.21% -- Geico Casualty
7.53% -- Progressive Direct
6.06% -- Allstate Fire And Casualty
5.34% -- Safeco
4.59% -- Farmers
4.09% -- USAA Casualty
3.80% -- Progressive Preferred
3.78% -- American Family
3.60% -- USAA Casualty
2.93% -- Standard Fire
2.08% -- LM General
1.98% -- USAA General
1.81% -- American Family Mutual
1.63% -- Garrison Property And Casualty
1.53% -- Bristol West
1.43% -- Esurance
1.21% -- Sentry
1.15% -- Nationwide Property And Casualty
1.01% -- Liberty Mutual
0.95% -- State Farm Fire And Casualty
0.93% -- CSAA General
0.81% -- Nationwide Mutual
0.76% -- Shelter Mutual
0.74% -- Loya Insurance
Naturally, there are many other carriers not listed in our "Top 25" list that are worth considering. For example, if you have a "special situation" vehicle, such as a classic, restored, roadster, or race car, an alternative company may be the best choice since they specialize in those types of risks. Also, if there is one driver in the household with many tickets and accidents, consideration should be given for writing a separate policy and obtaining a "non-rating" on the other vehicles in the household.
Esurance (#17) is an additional company we represent. Although considered an "online" carrier, they are backed by Allstate and also offer very competitive pricing. Several of the unique cost-cutting discounts that are available on most policies include Fast 5, DriveSense, and Paid-In-Full. Most servicing and claims are handled online, although phone and email support is available.
Likewise, if there is a high-risk driver that needs an SR-22 Bond or must be separated from other drivers, we'll show you the carriers that offer the best solution. One encouraging point is that moving violations eventually fall of your record, and as young drivers get older (especially reaching age 21), you'll automatically see lower rates. The lowest auto insurance for teens can also be acquired with the help of grades. The "good student" discount will always take about 5%-20% off the rate. This reduction can also be utilized in college or graduate school. A "B" average or 3.0 GPA is typically required.
Sample Colorado Car Insurance Rates
Prices are six-month rates and based on a married 68-year-old female with no moving violations or at-fault accidents in the last 36 months. Annual mileage is less than 7,500, and the covered vehicle is a 2017 Ford Fusion SE. Liability limits are $50,000/$100,000/$25,000 with uninsured and underinsured motorist coverage of $50,000/$100,000. The collision and comprehensive deductibles are $500 and $5,000 of medical payments coverage is also included. Note: The Colorado Department of Regulatory Agencies (Division of Insurance) provides the most recent data. However, your premium can easily vary based on several factors.
Fort Collins Rates
$392 -- Shelter General
$403 -- Encompass
$462 -- CSAA General
$483 -- USAA Casualty
$487 -- Horace Mann
$510 -- USAA
$516 -- USAA General Indemnity
$551 -- 360 Insurance
$583 -- State Farm
$603 -- California Casualty
$614 -- Country Preferred
$655 -- Geico
$665 -- Farmers
$682 -- Hartford
$757 -- Metropolitan Direct
$762 -- Safeco
$780 -- Auto-Owners
$804 -- Allstate
$896 -- Progressive Direct
$943 -- American Family
Boulder Rates
$380 -- Shelter
$434 -- Encompass
$470 -- CSAA General
$523 -- USAA General Indemnity
$524 -- USAA
$528 -- USAA Casualty
$545 -- Horace Mann
$569 -- Garrison
$617 -- National General
$636 -- State Farm
$642 -- California Casualty
$645 -- Geico
$663 -- Cincinnati Insurance
$686 -- Federal Insurance
$686 -- Great Northern
$690 -- IDS
$781 -- AIG
$830 -- Auto-Owners
$844 -- Progressive Direct
$855 -- Grange
$875 -- Cincinnati
Denver Rates
$505 -- Shelter
$624 -- USAA Casualty
$644 -- USAA
$689 -- Encompass
$691 -- CSAA General
$691 -- Garrison
$700 -- Horace Mann
$715 -- 360 Insurance
$797 -- State Farm
$832 -- California Casualty
$856 -- Geico
$868 -- IDS
$885 -- Country Mutual
$898 -- Twin City Fire
$909 -- AIG
$922 -- Owners Insurance
$928 -- Farmers
$970 -- Metropolitan Direct
$990 -- Hartford
$1,028 -- Auto-Owners
$1,078 -- Safeco
$1,102 -- Progressive
$1,105 -- Allstate
$1,400 -- American Family
$1,469 -- Amica
$1,804 -- Esurance
If you own multiple rental properties, bundling all of your homes with a specific company may provide a substantial savings that no other carrier offers. They may also be able to include a liability umbrella that gives you much-needed protection for the assets you are accumulating and the extra risk exposure that has been created. The more assets you have, the greater the likelihood of a frivolous lawsuit that could potentially last for years. And that means your legal bills continue to accumulate.
Often, "umbrellas" will extend your liability coverage by $1 million or more. The annual cost for the rider is typically between $100 and $200. The more assets you own, the greater the chance that you will be sued. It often is a completely unscrupulous lawsuit, but the umbrella will pay the vast majority of your legal bills. And you will also be put in a better bargaining position in case an out-of-court settlement is recommended. Limits up to $5 million can often be purchased. Specialty and commercial carriers will offer higher limits.
Boats, motor homes, rental property, motor homes, mobile homes, and recreational vehicles also are always considered since there are many situations when a specific carrier offers very affordable rates on vehicles and your principal residence. Then, when you add your boat or rental property to your coverage, suddenly, you're paying 20% higher rates than everyone else, instead of 20% less! Also, many companies do not offer ancillary products, or have a limited portfolio that may not meet your needs.
In these types of situations, we review your entire portfolio of products and the coverage and liability limits that match your requirements. Depending on your personal situation, it may be best to bundle all products with one company, or split the business among several carriers. Although more information is required, obtaining quotes for all property and casualty products in your household often results in significant premium savings.
How Our State Compares To Others
One variable that impacts prices is that Colorado is one of the 20 most expensive states to own a vehicle. At about $1,400, it is significantly higher than many other states, including nearby states Oklahoma, Texas, and Wyoming. Cost of repairs, fees and other taxes are the main reasons behind the high prices. But it is expected that the next 5-10 years should see smaller increases. Affordable pricing is already available in many parts of the state for 2017.
And of course, past spills in the Front Range caused some flooding that generated many claims. The damage was fairly local (around Weld County) although there were other possible claim-related expenses. Once a claim is submitted, it will stay open until all damage is repaired and the vehicle is safe to drive. The Department of Insurance can provide assistance if there are significant delays in paying a claim, or fraudulent activity is suspected.
Denver Rates
Denver, like most large cities, has a big variance in prices, depending on which part of the area you reside. The average Denver rate is about 25%-30% higher than the rest of the state. The counties of Denver, Adams, Douglas, Park, Arapahoe, Jefferson and Boulder, although very close in proximity, feature a wide range of rates. Carriers that often offer the most competitive pricing, include Allied, Grange, Auto-Owners, and American Family.
Denver fills more than 90,000 potholes each year, which is certainly one of the reasons for increased claim activity. While prices aren't "Mile High" in all parts of the city, reducing the amount of uncovered drivers will certainly help lower premiums. Currently, about one in eight drivers has no coverage on their car or truck.
San Luis Rio is another area where prices may be increasing because of a trend of increasing stolen automobiles. Supposedly, many of the criminals that are responsible for recent spikes, are coming from Baja, California. They take the vehicles back where they dismantle them, and subsequently sell the stolen vehicle parts. The arrest rate is low, and often cases are difficult to prosecute.
Incidence of theft typically increases around holidays, but not necessarily other parts of the year. The high number of temporary workers and close proximity to the Mexican border is undoubtedly contributing to the problem. Local authorities highly recommend using anti-theft and alarm systems (passive or active). Often, it deters a thief from attempting to steal your vehicle.
That's part of the work we do. We monitor any event that could impact costs and we shop and determine the most affordable company/policy that provides top-rated coverage. Your Colorado car insurance quotes and other recommendations are always free and updated daily. The customer always comes first with us since we work for you and not the other way around.
Past Updates:
Car sharing services have started to become quite popular in major US cities, including Denver. Business is often generated through an iPhone and owners can work flexible hours in specific areas. UberX, is one of a handful of new companies that signs up drivers so they can offer taxi-like services.
However, there is no regulation regarding licensing, insurance or vehicle safety (other than existing laws), so there is often a grey area when determining which party is responsible for damages.Senate Bill 125 (if passed) would address some of the liability and lawsuit issues and perhaps draft an ordinance similar to other cities.
The epic hail storm that hit Denver last month caused more than $210 million in damages, making it one of the 10 largest hailstorms in state history. Almost 30,000 auto insurance claims have been submitted, and a few more are still trickling in. The largest hailstorm in Colorado (money paid for damages) occurred in Denver in 2009 when more than $750 million was paid.
Since these types of events are covered under the "comprehensive portion of your policy, typically the deductible is much lower than the collision deductible. Many policies feature "full" coverage or no deductible. Damage to property in the area was also covered on homeowner's policies, although a much larger deductible would apply.
The Colorado Department of Regulatory Agencies (Public Utilities Commission) issued a press release reminding state residents to be extremely careful when near highway-rail crossings. The incidence of light and freight rail accidents has been increasing over the last five years (about 67%).
The Department is urging anyone driving a car, riding a bicycle, or walking, to be extra cautious and aware of all distractions. Trains can arrive quickly from both directions, and looking multiple times in both directions is essential. Also, the practice of driving through and around crossing gates is against the law and a very unsafe practice that could result in severe injuries or fatalities.
The DOI has many tasks. One of the lesser-known tasks is recovering money for consumers from insurance companies. It was announced that last year, more than $8 million was recovered. The most common types of policies for recovering money are health, auto, home, and annuities. Several common reasons for getting funds back include claims paid following a policy reinstatement, additional money paid after a claim has been closed, reversing previously-denied claims, and changes in coverage interpretation.